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Natural survival instincts make some people use all possible means to avoid injury or loss. These decisions aren’t decisions but more of inner instincts of survival. If we move from a person to a company, criteria and rules become more complex and more formal. When actions become more complicated, instinctive and institutional styles of behaviour forming matlab programming basis of personal risk control become inadequate and choices become more confusing. The theory of risk has been matlab area handled in lots of available books by domestic and overseas authors and risk control as such has been matlab area of detail analysis. We can even claim it constitutes an impartial part of matlab programming theory of economic climate. Microeconomics D00GeneralD01Microeconomic Behavior: Underlying PrinciplesD02Institutions: Design, Formation, Operations, and ImpactD04Microeconomic Policy: Formulation, Implementation, and Evaluation D1Household Behavior and Family EconomicsD10GeneralD11Consumer Economics: TheoryD12Consumer Economics: Empirical AnalysisD13Household Production and Intrahousehold AllocationD14Household Saving Personal FinanceD15Intertemporal Household Choice Life Cycle Models and SavingD16Collaborative ConsumptionD18Consumer ProtectionD19Other D2Production and OrganizationsD20GeneralD21Firm Behavior: TheoryD22Firm Behavior: Empirical AnalysisD23Organizational Behavior Transaction Costs Property RightsD24Production Cost Capital Capital, Total Factor, and Multifactor Productivity CapacityD25Intertemporal Firm Choice: Investment, Capacity, and FinancingD26Crowd Based FirmsD29Other D3DistributionD30GeneralD31Personal Income, Wealth, and Their DistributionsD33Factor Income DistributionD39Other D4Market Structure, Pricing, and DesignD40GeneralD41Perfect CompetitionD42MonopolyD43Oligopoly and Other Forms of Market ImperfectionD44AuctionsD45Rationing LicensingD46Value TheoryD47Market DesignD49Other D5General Equilibrium and DisequilibriumD50GeneralD51Exchange and Production EconomiesD52Incomplete MarketsD53Financial MarketsD57InputOutput Tables and AnalysisD58Computable and Other Applied General Equilibrium ModelsD59Other D6Welfare EconomicsD60GeneralD61Allocative Efficiency CostBenefit AnalysisD62ExternalitiesD63Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and MeasurementD64Altruism Philanthropy Intergenerational TransfersD69Other D7Analysis of Collective Decision MakingD70GeneralD71Social Choice Clubs Committees AssociationsD72Political Processes: Rent Seeking, Lobbying, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting BehaviorD73Bureaucracy Administrative Processes in Public Organizations CorruptionD74Conflict Conflict Resolution Alliances RevolutionsD78Positive Analysis of Policy Formulation and ImplementationD79Other D8Information, Knowledge, and UncertaintyD80GeneralD81Criteria for Decision Making under Risk and UncertaintyD82Asymmetric and Private Information Mechanism DesignD83Search Learning Information and Knowledge Communication Belief UnawarenessD84Expectations SpeculationsD85Network Formation and Analysis: TheoryD86Economics of Contract: TheoryD87NeuroeconomicsD89Other D9Micro Based Behavioral EconomicsD90GeneralD91Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making E. Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics E00GeneralE01Measurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and Wealth Environmental AccountsE02Institutions and matlab programming Macroeconomy E1General Aggregative ModelsE10GeneralE11Marxian Sraffian KaleckianE12Keynes Keynesian Post Keynesian Modern Monetary TheoryE13NeoclassicalE14Austrian Evolutionary Institutional E16Social Accounting MatrixE17Forecasting and Simulation: Models and ApplicationsE19Other E2Consumption, Saving, Production, Investment, Labor Markets, and Informal EconomyE20GeneralE21Consumption Saving WealthE22Investment Capital Intangible Capital CapacityE23ProductionE24Employment Unemployment Wages Intergenerational Income Distribution Aggregate Human Capital Aggregate Labor ProductivityE25Aggregate Factor Income DistributionE26Informal Economy Underground EconomyE27Forecasting and Simulation: Models and ApplicationsE29Other E3Prices, Business Fluctuations, and CyclesE30GeneralE31Price Level Inflation DeflationE32Business Fluctuations CyclesE37Forecasting and Simulation: Models and ApplicationsE39Other E4Money and Interest RatesE40GeneralE41Demand for MoneyE42Monetary Systems Standards Regimes Government and matlab programming Monetary System Payment SystemsE43Interest Rates: Determination, Term Structure, and Effects E44Financial Markets and matlab programming MacroeconomyE47Forecasting and Simulation: Models and ApplicationsE49Other E5Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and matlab programming Supply of Money and CreditE50GeneralE51Money Supply Credit Money MultipliersE52Monetary PolicyE58Central Banks and Their PoliciesE59Other E6Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General OutlookE60GeneralE61Policy Objectives Policy Designs and Consistency Policy CoordinationE62Fiscal PolicyE63Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Stabilization Treasury PolicyE64Incomes Policy Price PolicyE65Studies of Particular Policy EpisodesE66General Outlook and ConditionsE69Other E7Macro Based Behavioral EconomicsE70GeneralE71Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on matlab programming Macro Economy F. International Economics F00GeneralF01Global OutlookF02International Economic Order and Integration F1TradeF10GeneralF11Neoclassical Models of TradeF12Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale Economies FragmentationF13Trade Policy International Trade OrganizationsF14Empirical Studies of TradeF15Economic IntegrationF16Trade and Labor Market InteractionsF17Trade Forecasting and SimulationF18Trade and EnvironmentF19Other F2International Factor Movements and International BusinessF20GeneralF21International Investment Long Term Capital MovementsF22International MigrationF23Multinational Firms International BusinessF24RemittancesF29Other F3International FinanceF30GeneralF31Foreign ExchangeF32Current Account Adjustment Short Term Capital MovementsF33International Monetary Arrangements and InstitutionsF34International Lending and Debt ProblemsF35Foreign AidF36Financial Aspects of Economic IntegrationF37International Finance Forecasting and Simulation: Models and ApplicationsF38International Financial Policy: Financial Transactions Tax; Capital ControlsF39Other F4Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and FinanceF40GeneralF41Open Economy MacroeconomicsF42International Policy Coordination and TransmissionF43Economic Growth of Open EconomiesF44International Business CyclesF45Macroeconomic Issues of Monetary UnionsF47Forecasting and Simulation: Models and ApplicationsF49Other F5International Relations, National Security, and International Political EconomyF50GeneralF51International Conflicts Negotiations SanctionsF52National Security Economic NationalismF53International Agreements and Observance International OrganizationsF54Colonialism Imperialism PostcolonialismF55International Institutional ArrangementsF59Other F6Economic Impacts of GlobalizationF60GeneralF61Microeconomic ImpactsF62Macroeconomic ImpactsF63Economic DevelopmentF64EnvironmentF65FinanceF66LaborF68PolicyF69Other G. Financial Economics G00GeneralG01Financial Crises G1General Financial MarketsG10GeneralG11Portfolio Choice Investment DecisionsG12Asset Pricing Trading Volume Bond Interest RatesG13Contingent Pricing Futures PricingG14Information and Market Efficiency Event Studies Insider TradingG15International Financial MarketsG17Financial Forecasting and SimulationG18Government Policy and RegulationG19Other G2Financial Institutions and ServicesG20GeneralG21Banks Depository Institutions Micro Finance Institutions MortgagesG22Insurance Insurance Companies Actuarial StudiesG23Non bank Financial Institutions Financial Instruments Institutional InvestorsG24Investment Banking Venture Capital Brokerage Ratings and Ratings AgenciesG28Government Policy and RegulationG29Other G3Corporate Finance and GovernanceG30GeneralG31Capital Budgeting Fixed Investment and Inventory Studies CapacityG32Financing Policy Financial Risk and Risk Management Capital and Ownership Structure Value of Firms GoodwillG33Bankruptcy LiquidationG34Mergers Acquisitions Restructuring Corporate GovernanceG35Payout PolicyG38Government Policy and RegulationG39Other G4Behavioral FinanceG40GeneralG41Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making in Financial Markets G5Household Finance G50GeneralG51Household Saving, Borrowing, Debt, and WealthG52InsuranceG53Financial LiteracyG59Other H. Public Economics H00General H1Structure and Scope of GovernmentH10GeneralH11Structure, Scope, and Performance of GovernmentH12Crisis ManagementH13Economics of Eminent Domain Expropriation NationalizationH19Other H2Taxation, Subsidies, and RevenueH20GeneralH21Efficiency Optimal TaxationH22IncidenceH23Externalities Redistributive Effects Environmental Taxes and SubsidiesH24Personal Income and Other Nonbusiness Taxes and SubsidiesH25Business Taxes and SubsidiesH26Tax Evasion and AvoidanceH27Other Sources of RevenueH29Other H3Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic AgentsH30GeneralH31HouseholdH32FirmH39Other H4Publicly Provided GoodsH40GeneralH41Public GoodsH42Publicly Provided Private GoodsH43Project Evaluation Social Discount RateH44Publicly Provided Goods: Mixed MarketsH49Other H5National Government Expenditures and Related PoliciesH50GeneralH51Government Expenditures and HealthH52Government Expenditures and EducationH53Government Expenditures and Welfare ProgramsH54Infrastructures Other Public Investment and Capital StockH55Social Security and Public PensionsH56National Security and WarH57ProcurementH59Other H6National Budget, Deficit, and DebtH60GeneralH61Budget Budget SystemsH62Deficit SurplusH63Debt Debt Management Sovereign DebtH68Forecasts of Budgets, Deficits, and DebtH69Other H7State and Local Government Intergovernmental RelationsH70GeneralH71State and Local Taxation, Subsidies, and RevenueH72State and Local Budget and ExpendituresH73Interjurisdictional Differentials and Their EffectsH74State and Local BorrowingH75State and Local Government: Health Education Welfare Public PensionsH76State and Local Government: Other Expenditure CategoriesH77Intergovernmental Relations Federalism SecessionH79Other H8Miscellaneous IssuesH80GeneralH81Governmental Loans Loan Guarantees Credits Grants BailoutsH82Governmental PropertyH83Public Administration Public Sector Accounting and AuditsH84Disaster AidH87International Fiscal Issues International Public GoodsH89Other I. Health, Education, and Welfare I00General I1HealthI10GeneralI11Analysis of Health Care MarketsI12Health BehaviorI13Health Insurance, Public and PrivateI14Health and InequalityI15Health and Economic DevelopmentI18Government Policy Regulation Public HealthI19Other I2Education and Research InstitutionsI20GeneralI21Analysis of EducationI22Educational Finance Financial AidI23Higher Education Research InstitutionsI24Education and InequalityI25Education and Economic DevelopmentI26Returns to EducationI28Government PolicyI29Other I3Welfare, Well Being, and PovertyI30GeneralI31General Welfare, Well Being I32Measurement and Analysis of PovertyI38Government Policy Provision and Effects of Welfare ProgramsI39Other J.